iKido optimizes bills of material throughout the product life cycle. iKido integrates with online catalogs and distributors in the electronics industry to provide EMS and OEM companies with real-time insights concerning their components' selection and delivery alternatives. iKido surfaces technical and supply chain risks, such as obsolete and long-lead items, automates and optimizes the costing process in terms of overall cost and delivery time
Guy Eron
[email protected]
4 Sosnovsky st.
Products in the electronics industry are complex and thus carry complicated, multi-level bills of material (BOM's). Different challenges arise with each stage of the product's lifecycle, from budgetary constraints and effective component's choice at the R&D stage, through suppliers, quantity, and packaging selection at the costing stage, to discussing the cost vs. delivery-time tradeoff with clients. iKido real-time integrations and advanced analytics to support the optimization of the BOM throughout the product life cycle