RealiteQ is Advance single source IIoT & Cloud-based comprehensive (Data Acquisition, Communication Technology & Telemetry, Real time remote control & Data Management, HMI, BI and Data Analytics.) real time, secured remote-control operation & Data management solution. RealiteQ combine and integrate several technologies to allow smart, simple, and affordable solution for the operation and management of devices facilities and networks.
Ran Kedem
[email protected]
Bazelet 14 st.
About RealiteQ:
RealiteQ is an IIoT & Cloud computing Holistic solution for real-time, secured remote-control operation & Data management solution, developed by Reali Technologies Ltd. RealiteQ was developed “all in one” (Hardware, Software & User Interface) agnostic remote control management & operational platform.
IT/OT convergence - RealiteQ integrates information technology (IT) with operational technology (OT) used to monitor events, processes and devices, makes adjustments in networks sites, machines, enterprise and industrial operations and offers significant benefits in cost, quality, speed and reliability.
Data management - RealiteQ platform is much more than just a remote-control platform, it is a real-time data management system from A to Z, from the data acquisition to Big data analytics. By using RealiteQ you are not only operating and controlling the system in real-time, but you also can use the data to increase the efficiency.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide utilities, industrial plants, organization and institutes with, smart, simple, comprehensive, multidisciplinary & affordable technology that will serve the needs for safe and efficient operation of facilities and process, no matter their size, budget or location.
The challenge – Digital transformation:
Manufacturing companies as well as Utilities around the world are trying to adopt new technology and move forwards to industry 4.0. solutions, However, such Digital transformation it's not always that easy! Change can be difficult and confusing! And the fact, although Industry 4.0 is around for some years now, the adaption rate by the industry is still low.
The main barriers in the Digital transformation are: Costs, Technology complexity and Security risks. RealiteQ eliminate those barriers and makes it smart, simple and affordable to anyone.
The Technology:
RealiteQ is "ALL in One" (Telemetry & HMI, software and service) tool, the technology consists of only three components:
- ICEX (Integrated Cellular and Ethernet Explorer) – The end unit installed (Seamless interfacing with existing equipment) on sites. The iCex is a smart Data Producer that explores sensors, analyzers, controllers etc. over I/O, Ethernet or Serial protocols, and link them to the internet by any cellular, satellite or other connection.
- COMP (Central Online Management Portal) mediates all communication, define security and users' permissions, manage the Historian, streams live data and send Alarms notification.
- UI – Browser based (HTML5) User Interface (HMI/SCADA), displays Real-Time information, Alarms, Historical data, Tables & trend charts. Enables Remote operations and modification. Work with any desktop and mobile device connected to the Internet.
The iCex is the only component which should be physically installed on site. The installation is "Headache free", Seamless interfacing with existing equipment and software. It is Simple fast and non-destructive installation. All the rest is done remotely via the internet.
Proven technology:
Today, RealiteQ is a proven technology for a wide range of applications, such as Smart Industry, water, wastewater, oil & gas, BMS, agriculture, energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as for industrial usage (including OEM), with installations in 40 countries and 5 continents. Among RealiteQ users Amearerican & global leading enterprises such as: Johnson Control, Tesla, Volkswagen, L’Oréal, Solenis (Chemicals), ICL, Fluence, Unilever, Coca Cola, Citibank…
Business Model:
Our Business model is based on SaaS (Software as A Service) model which includes one-time payment for hardware (iCex) and annual SaaS fees. Sales channels are Reps, distributors, integrators large EPC companies, and OEM industrial manufacturers.