Enhancing safety and efficiency of heavy machinery through AI-powered automation. INTSITING the process of turning traditional worksites into INTSITE highly intelligent and automated sites.
Tzach Ram-On
[email protected]
Tokyo, Japan
INTSITE employs AI and Deep Learning to optimize and automate the machinery at the center of a worksite, transforming the performance of industries focused on heavy machinery, amongst construction & mining.
Founded in 2017, in Haifa, Israel, INTSITE boasts a team of exceptional algorithm developers, industry experts, and specialists from various technological fields. Originally developed as a guidance system and smart dashboard for construction cranes, INTSITE’s technology has rapidly expanded to other industries, where the experience of suboptimal heavy machine usage creates similar challenges to both efficiency and profitability.
INTSITE’s first product is actively selling and successfully proving its value in the construction industry.
To become a technology market leader for heavy-machinery automation in construction and mining by transforming the performance of these industries, using AI and machine-vision technology.
INTSITE’s patent-pending technology combines Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and aerospace algorithms with off-the-shelf hardware (camera and other sensors) to transform any heavy machinery into smart and autonomous robots (machines) in a fast and cost-effective manner. Safety and performance are enhanced as the machinery becomes “smarter” – estimating the machine posture and visual perception.
By connecting all of INTSITE’s machines to the cloud, we are creating a vast network of heavy machinery at worksites across the globe, enabling data-driven decisions and allowing worksite activity to be monitored in real-time.