3d Signals enables digital transformation of manufacturering machines. Our solution enables visibility into production floors, using non-invasive sensors and IoT edge computer. Our AI-based cloud platform transforms machine data into powerful insights, providing BI and analysis tools, reports and alerts. This solution has been proven to improve machine productivity by 30% within 3 months of installation, while lowering labor and energy costs.
Yoni Yuval
[email protected]
8 Ha-Nagar St., Kfar Saba, 4442537 Israel
Industry 4.0 has been a top priority for every factory manager, along with all the buzz words that come with it, like big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. But how can a factory go through a digital transformation when it has hundreds of different machines varying in type, model and age, while most of these machines are not even network connected?
3d Signals, an Israeli-based startup, provides plug & play machine digitalization and visualization, in order to improve efficiency and productivity, and lower operating costs.
The 3d Signals solution is composed of three elements:
Non-invasive sensors that connect to machines in order to track their operation in real-time. An Edge device that collects the signal data and uploads it to the cloud, And an AI-based cloud platform that visualizes machine data, and provides actionable insights, live views, historical reports, and optimization tools
Using this innovative solution, we digitalize entire production floors in a matter of hours, so business intelligence is available from day one, and results are seen within 2-3 months. Our customers were able to improve machine productivity by 30% within 3 months of installation. They were also able to eliminate under-utilized shifts, which resulted in a saving of 700,000 euros per month per floor. And, by making sure that machines are either working or are turned off rather than staying idle, one of our customers was able to reduce its energy consumption by 14% last year.
3d Signals - It’s like magic, but real.