SCADAfence, the global technology leader in OT & IoT security, exists to protect the lives of civilians.
By leveraging cutting-edge tech, we help organizations that have limited or no visibility into their OT & IoT environment, to automatically detect all of their assets, to digitalize their inventory, to comply with industrial standards, and most importantly - to make sure that their OT & IoT environments are kept safe from cyber attackers.
Christoph Bechtel
[email protected]
4 Menorat Ha’Maor St. Tel Aviv 6744832
These are the 3 products we offer
The SCADAfence Platform
The SCADAfence Platform is an industrial cybersecurity solution that provides visibility and monitoring for ICS/SCADA networks. The platform automates asset discovery and inventory management, as well as threat detection and risk management. By employing a wide range of algorithms, machine learning and AI, the platform detects anomalies and security events that can compromise availability and affect the safety and reliability of the OT network and its assets. The SCADAfence Platform is an award winning solution that has the highest detection rates and the lowest false positive rates in the industry, while maintaining an affordable total cost of ownership (TCO) for all users.
The SCADAfence Governance Portal
The SCADAfence Governance Portal measures compliance and monitors the progress made over time across all sites. It identifies all of the gaps and bottlenecks and allows users to generate systematic strategies to improve their organizational security at scale. The platform enables the IT and OT departments to centrally define and monitor the organizational adherence to organizational policies and to OT related regulations. The solution is easily deployed, is not intrusive, and does not jeopardize the process availability in any of the OT sites.
SCADAfence IoT Security
SCADAfence offers a unique solution to address IoT security challenges with an innovative, centralized platform for IoT endpoint orchestration and management. You don’t have to deal with hundreds of malfunctioning or quarantined IoT devices, you can manage and fix any security issues on your IoT devices with a single click. You can also proactively detect exposures to your IoT devices, even before your IoT devices can be compromised. The solution performs central orchestration, and is agentless.